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5 August 2020

Dirk Eddelbuettel: RcppCCTZ 0.2.8: Minor API Extension

A new minor release 0.2.8 of RcppCCTZ is now on CRAN. RcppCCTZ uses Rcpp to bring CCTZ to R. CCTZ is a C++ library for translating between absolute and civil times using the rules of a time zone. In fact, it is two libraries. One for dealing with civil time: human-readable dates and times, and one for converting between between absolute and civil times via time zones. And while CCTZ is made by Google(rs), it is not an official Google product. The RcppCCTZ page has a few usage examples and details. This package was the first CRAN package to use CCTZ; by now at least three others do using copies in their packages which remains less than ideal. This version adds three no throw variants of three existing functions, contributed again by Leonardo. This will be used in an upcoming nanotime release which we are finalising now.

Changes in version 0.2.8 (2020-08-04)
  • Added three new nothrow variants (for win32) needed by the expanded nanotime package (Leonardo in #37)

We also have a diff to the previous version thanks to CRANberries. More details are at the RcppCCTZ page; code, issue tickets etc at the GitHub repository. If you like this or other open-source work I do, you can now sponsor me at GitHub. For the first year, GitHub will match your contributions.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

4 June 2020

Reproducible Builds: Reproducible Builds in May 2020

Welcome to the May 2020 report from the Reproducible Builds project. One of the original promises of open source software is that distributed peer review and transparency of process results in enhanced end-user security. Nonetheless, whilst anyone may inspect the source code of free and open source software for malicious flaws, almost all software today is distributed as pre-compiled binaries. This allows nefarious third-parties to compromise systems by injecting malicious code into seemingly secure software during the various compilation and distribution processes. In these reports we outline the most important things that we and the rest of the community have been up to over the past month.

News The Corona-Warn app that helps trace infection chains of SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 in Germany had a feature request filed against it that it build reproducibly. A number of academics from Cornell University have published a paper titled Backstabber s Knife Collection which reviews various open source software supply chain attacks:
Recent years saw a number of supply chain attacks that leverage the increasing use of open source during software development, which is facilitated by dependency managers that automatically resolve, download and install hundreds of open source packages throughout the software life cycle.
In related news, the LineageOS Android distribution announced that a hacker had access to the infrastructure of their servers after exploiting an unpatched vulnerability. Marcin Jachymiak of the Sia decentralised cloud storage platform posted on their blog that their siac and siad utilities can now be built reproducibly:
This means that anyone can recreate the same binaries produced from our official release process. Now anyone can verify that the release binaries were created using the source code we say they were created from. No single person or computer needs to be trusted when producing the binaries now, which greatly reduces the attack surface for Sia users.
Synchronicity is a distributed build system for Rust build artifacts which have been published to The goal of Synchronicity is to provide a distributed binary transparency system which is independent of any central operator. The Comparison of Linux distributions article on Wikipedia now features a Reproducible Builds column indicating whether distributions approach and progress towards achieving reproducible builds.

Distribution work In Debian this month: In Alpine Linux, an issue was filed and closed regarding the reproducibility of .apk packages. Allan McRae of the ArchLinux project posted their third Reproducible builds progress report to the arch-dev-public mailing list which includes the following call for help:
We also need help to investigate and fix the packages that fail to reproduce that we have not investigated as of yet.
In openSUSE, Bernhard M. Wiedemann published his monthly Reproducible Builds status update.

Software development

diffoscope Chris Lamb made the changes listed below to diffoscope, our in-depth and content-aware diff utility that can locate and diagnose reproducibility issues. He also prepared and uploaded versions 142, 143, 144, 145 and 146 to Debian, PyPI, etc.
  • Comparison improvements:
    • Improve fuzzy matching of JSON files as file now supports recognising JSON data. (#106)
    • Refactor .changes and .buildinfo handling to show all details (including the GnuPG header and footer components) even when referenced files are not present. (#122)
    • Use our BuildinfoFile comparator (etc.) regardless of whether the associated files (such as the orig.tar.gz and the .deb) are present. [ ]
    • Include GnuPG signature data when comparing .buildinfo, .changes, etc. [ ]
    • Add support for printing Android APK signatures via apksigner(1). (#121)
    • Identify iOS App Zip archive data as .zip files. (#116)
    • Add support for Apple Xcode .mobilepovision files. (#113)
  • Bug fixes:
    • Don t print a traceback if we pass a single, missing argument to diffoscope (eg. a JSON diff to re-load). [ ]
    • Correct differences typo in the ApkFile handler. (#127)
  • Output improvements:
    • Never emit the same id="foo" anchor reference twice in the HTML output, otherwise identically-named parts will not be able to linked to via a #foo anchor. (#120)
    • Never emit an empty id anchor either; it is not possible to link to #. [ ]
    • Don t pretty-print the output when using the --json presenter; it will usually be too complicated to be readable by the human anyway. [ ]
    • Use the SHA256 over MD5 hash when generating page names for the HTML directory-style presenter. (#124)
  • Reporting improvements:
    • Clarify the message when we truncate the number of lines to standard error [ ] and reduce the number of maximum lines printed to 25 as usually the error is obvious by then [ ].
    • Print the amount of free space that we have available in our temporary directory as a debugging message. [ ]
    • Clarify Command [ ] failed with exit code messages to remove duplicate exited with exit but also to note that diffoscope is interpreting this as an error. [ ]
    • Don t leak the full path of the temporary directory in Command [ ] exited with 1 messages. (#126)
    • Clarify the warning message when we cannot import the debian Python module. [ ]
    • Don t repeat stderr from if both commands emit the same output. [ ]
    • Clarify that an external command emits for both files, otherwise it can look like we are repeating itself when, in reality, it is being run twice. [ ]
  • Testsuite improvements:
    • Prevent apksigner test failures due to lack of binfmt_misc, eg. on Salsa CI and elsewhere. [ ]
    • Drop .travis.yml as we use Salsa instead. [ ]
  • Dockerfile improvements:
    • Add a .dockerignore file to whitelist files we actually need in our container. (#105)
    • Use ARG instead of ENV when setting up the DEBIAN_FRONTEND environment variable at runtime. (#103)
    • Run as a non-root user in container. (#102)
    • Install/remove the build-essential during build so we can install the recommended packages from Git. [ ]
  • Codebase improvements:
    • Bump the officially required version of Python from 3.5 to 3.6. (#117)
    • Drop the (default) shell=False keyword argument to subprocess.Popen so that the potentially-unsafe shell=True is more obvious. [ ]
    • Perform string normalisation in Black [ ] and include the Black output in the assertion failure too [ ].
    • Inline MissingFile s special handling of deb822 to prevent leaking through abstract layers. [ ][ ]
    • Allow a bare try/except block when cleaning up temporary files with respect to the flake8 quality assurance tool. [ ]
    • Rename in_dsc_path to dsc_in_same_dir to clarify the use of this variable. [ ]
    • Abstract out the duplicated parts of the debian_fallback class [ ] and add descriptions for the file types. [ ]
    • Various commenting and internal documentation improvements. [ ][ ]
    • Rename the Openssl command class to OpenSSLPKCS7 to accommodate other command names with this prefix. [ ]
  • Misc:
    • Rename the --debugger command-line argument to --pdb. [ ]
    • Normalise filesystem stat(2) birth times (ie. st_birthtime) in the same way we do with the stat(1) command s Access: and Change: times to fix a nondeterministic build failure in GNU Guix. (#74)
    • Ignore case when ordering our file format descriptions. [ ]
    • Drop, add and tidy various module imports. [ ][ ][ ][ ]
In addition:
  • Jean-Romain Garnier fixed a general issue where, for example, LibarchiveMember s has_same_content method was called regardless of the underlying type of file. [ ]
  • Daniel Fullmer fixed an issue where some filesystems could only be mounted read-only. (!49)
  • Emanuel Bronshtein provided a patch to prevent a build of the Docker image containing parts of the build s. (#123)
  • Mattia Rizzolo added an entry to debian/py3dist-overrides to ensure the rpm-python module is used in package dependencies (#89) and moved to using the new execute_after_* and execute_before_* Debhelper rules [ ].

Chris Lamb also performed a huge overhaul of diffoscope s website:
  • Add a completely new design. [ ][ ]
  • Dynamically generate our contributor list [ ] and supported file formats [ ] from the main Git repository.
  • Add a separate, canonical page for every new release. [ ][ ][ ]
  • Generate a latest release section and display that with the corresponding date on the homepage. [ ]
  • Add an RSS feed of our releases [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] and add to Planet Debian [ ].
  • Use Jekyll s absolute_url and relative_url where possible [ ][ ] and move a number of configuration variables to _config.yml [ ][ ].

Upstream patches The Reproducible Builds project detects, dissects and attempts to fix as many currently-unreproducible packages as possible. We endeavour to send all of our patches upstream where appropriate. This month, we wrote a large number of such patches, including:

Other tools Elsewhere in our tooling: strip-nondeterminism is our tool to remove specific non-deterministic results from a completed build. In May, Chris Lamb uploaded version 1.8.1-1 to Debian unstable and Bernhard M. Wiedemann fixed an off-by-one error when parsing PNG image modification times. (#16) In disorderfs, our FUSE-based filesystem that deliberately introduces non-determinism into directory system calls in order to flush out reproducibility issues, Chris Lamb replaced the term dirents in place of directory entries in human-readable output/log messages [ ] and used the astyle source code formatter with the default settings to the main disorderfs.cpp source file [ ]. Holger Levsen bumped the debhelper-compat level to 13 in disorderfs [ ] and reprotest [ ], and for the GNU Guix distribution Vagrant Cascadian updated the versions of disorderfs to version 0.5.10 [ ] and diffoscope to version 145 [ ].

Project documentation & website
  • Carl Dong:
  • Chris Lamb:
    • Rename the Who page to Projects . [ ]
    • Ensure that Jekyll enters the _docs subdirectory to find the _docs/ file after an internal move. (#27)
    • Wrap etc. in preformatted quotes. [ ]
    • Wrap the SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH Python examples onto more lines to prevent visual overflow on the page. [ ]
    • Correct a preferred spelling error. [ ]
  • Holger Levsen:
    • Sort our Academic publications page by publication year [ ] and add Trusting Trust and Fully Countering Trusting Trust through Diverse Double-Compiling [ ].
  • Juri Dispan:

Testing framework We operate a large and many-featured Jenkins-based testing framework that powers that, amongst many other tasks, tracks the status of our reproducibility efforts as well as identifies any regressions that have been introduced. Holger Levsen made the following changes:
  • System health status:
    • Improve page description. [ ]
    • Add more weight to proxy failures. [ ]
    • More verbose debug/failure messages. [ ][ ][ ]
    • Work around strangeness in the Bash shell let VARIABLE=0 exits with an error. [ ]
  • Debian:
    • Fail loudly if there are more than three .buildinfo files with the same name. [ ]
    • Fix a typo which prevented /usr merge variation on Debian unstable. [ ]
    • Temporarily ignore PHP s horde]( packages in Debian bullseye. [ ]
    • Document how to reboot all nodes in parallel, working around molly-guard. [ ]
  • Further work on a Debian package rebuilder:
    • Workaround and document various issues in the debrebuild script. [ ][ ][ ][ ]
    • Improve output in the case of errors. [ ][ ][ ][ ]
    • Improve documentation and future goals [ ][ ][ ][ ], in particular documentiing two real world tests case for an impossible to recreate build environment [ ].
    • Find the right source package to rebuild. [ ]
    • Increase the frequency we run the script. [ ][ ][ ][ ]
    • Improve downloading and selection of the sources to build. [ ][ ][ ]
    • Improve version string handling.. [ ]
    • Handle build failures better. [ ]. [ ]. [ ]
    • Also consider architecture all .buildinfo files. [ ][ ]
In addition:
  • kpcyrd, for Alpine Linux, updated the script now that a patch for abuild had been released upstream. [ ]
  • Alexander Couzens of the OpenWrt project renamed the brcm47xx target to bcm47xx. [ ]
  • Mattia Rizzolo fixed the printing of the build environment during the second build [ ][ ][ ] and made a number of improvements to the script that deploys Jenkins across our infrastructure [ ][ ][ ].
Lastly, Vagrant Cascadian clarified in the documentation that you need to be user jenkins to run the blacklist command [ ] and the usual build node maintenance was performed was performed by Holger Levsen [ ][ ][ ], Mattia Rizzolo [ ][ ] and Vagrant Cascadian [ ][ ][ ].

Mailing list: There were a number of discussions on our mailing list this month: Paul Spooren started a thread titled Reproducible Builds Verification Format which reopens the discussion around a schema for sharing the results from distributed rebuilders:
To make the results accessible, storable and create tools around them, they should all follow the same schema, a reproducible builds verification format. The format tries to be as generic as possible to cover all open source projects offering precompiled source code. It stores the rebuilder results of what is reproducible and what not.
Hans-Christoph Steiner of the Guardian Project also continued his previous discussion regarding making our website translatable. Lastly, Leo Wandersleb posted a detailed request for feedback on a question of supply chain security and other issues of software review; Leo is the founder of the Wallet Scrutiny project which aims to prove the security of Android Bitcoin Wallets:
Do you own your Bitcoins or do you trust that your app allows you to use your coins while they are actually controlled by them ? Do you have a backup? Do they have a copy they didn t tell you about? Did anybody check the wallet for deliberate backdoors or vulnerabilities? Could anybody check the wallet for those?
Elsewhere, Leo had posted instructions on his attempts to reproduce the binaries for the BlueWallet Bitcoin wallet for iOS and Android platforms.

If you are interested in contributing to the Reproducible Builds project, please visit our Contribute page on our website. However, you can get in touch with us via:

This month s report was written by Bernhard M. Wiedemann, Chris Lamb, Holger Levsen, Jelle van der Waa and Vagrant Cascadian. It was subsequently reviewed by a bunch of Reproducible Builds folks on IRC and the mailing list.

12 April 2020

Enrico Zini: Some inventors links

Cleopatra the Alchemist - Wikipedia
history people
Cleopatra the Alchemist who likely lived during the 3rd century AD, was a Greek alchemist, author, and philosopher. She experimented with practical alchemy but is also credited as one of the four female alchemists that could produce the Philosopher's stone. Some writers consider her to be the inventor of the alembic, a distillation apparatus.
Hedy Lamarr (/ he di/), born Hedwig Eva Maria Kiesler (November 9, 1914[a] January 19, 2000), was an Austrian-born American film actress and inventor who was posthumously inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame.[1]
Radia Joy Perlman (born December 18, 1951) is an American computer programmer and network engineer. She is most famous for her invention of the spanning-tree protocol (STP), which is fundamental to the operation of network bridges, while working for Digital Equipment Corporation. She also made large contributions to many other areas of network design and standardization, such as link-state routing protocols.
Stephanie Louise Kwolek (July 31, 1923 June 18, 2014) was an American chemist who is known for inventing Kevlar. She was of Polish heritage and her career at the DuPont company spanned more than 40 years.[1] She discovered the first of a family of synthetic fibres of exceptional strength and stiffness: poly-paraphenylene terephthalamide.
This page aims to list inventions and discoveries in which women played a major role.

18 March 2020

Dirk Eddelbuettel: RcppCCTZ 0.2.7

A new release 0.2.7 of RcppCCTZ is now at CRAN. RcppCCTZ uses Rcpp to bring CCTZ to R. CCTZ is a C++ library for translating between absolute and civil times using the rules of a time zone. In fact, it is two libraries. One for dealing with civil time: human-readable dates and times, and one for converting between between absolute and civil times via time zones. And while CCTZ is made by Google(rs), it is not an official Google product. The RcppCCTZ page has a few usage examples and details. This package was the first CRAN package to use CCTZ; by now at least three others do using copies in their packages which remains less than ideal. This version adds internal extensions, contributed by Leonardo, which support upcoming changes to the nanotime package we are working on.

Changes in version 0.2.7 (2020-03-18)
  • Added functions _RcppCCTZ_convertToCivilSecond that converts a time point to the number of seconds since epoch, and _RcppCCTZ_convertToTimePoint that converts a number of seconds since epoch into a time point; these functions are only callable from C level (Leonardo in #34 and #35).
  • Added function _RcppCCTZ_getOffset that returns the offset at a speficied time-point for a specified timezone; this function is only callable from C level (Leonardo in #32).

We also have a diff to the previous version thanks to CRANberries. More details are at the RcppCCTZ page; code, issue tickets etc at the GitHub repository. If you like this or other open-source work I do, you can now sponsor me at GitHub. For the first year, GitHub will match your contributions.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

15 March 2020

Antoine Beaupr : Remote presence tools for social distancing

As a technologist, I've been wondering how I can help people with the rapidly spreading coronavirus pandemic. With the world entering the "exponential stage" (e.g. Canada, the USA and basically all of Europe), everyone should take precautions and limit practice Social Distancing (and not dumbfuckery). But this doesn't mean we should dig ourselves in a hole in our basement: we can still talk to each other on the internet, and there are great, and free, tools available to do this. As part of my work as a sysadmin, I've had to answer questions about this a few times and I figured it was useful to share this more publicly.

Just say hi using whatever First off, feel free to use the normal tools you normally use: Signal, Facetime, Skype, Zoom, and Discord can be fine to connect with your folks, and since it doesn't take much to make someone's day please do use those tools to call your close ones and say "hi". People, especially your older folks, will feel alone and maybe scared in those crazy times. Every little bit you can do will help, even if it's just a normal phone call, an impromptu balcony fanfare, a remote workout class, or just a sing-along from your balcony, anything goes. But if those tools don't work well for some reason, or you want to try something new, or someone doesn't have an iPad, or it's too dang cold to go on your balcony, you should know there are other alternatives that you can use.

Jitsi We've been suggesting our folks use a tool called "Jitsi". Jitsi is a free software platform to host audio/video conferences. It has a web app which means anyone with a web browser can join a session. It can also do "screen sharing" if you need to work together on a project. There are many "instances", but here's a subset I know about: You can connect to those with your web browser directly. If your web browser doesn't work, try switching to another (e.g. if Firefox doesn't work, try Chrome and vice-versa). There are also apps for desktop and mobile apps (F-Droid, Google Play, Apple Store) that will work better than just using your browser. Jitsi should scale for small meetings up to a dozen people.

Mumble ... but beyond that, you might have trouble doing a full video-conference with a lot of people anyways. If you need to have a large conference with a lot of people, or if you have bandwidth and reliability problems with Jitsi, you can also try Mumble. Mumble is an audio-only conferencing service, similar to Discord or Teamspeak, but made with free software. It requires users to install an app but there are clients for every platform out there (F-Droid, Google Play, Apple Store). Mumble is harder to setup, but is much more efficient in terms of bandwidth and latency. In other words, it will just scale and sound better. Mumble ships with a list of known servers, but you can also connect to those trusted ones:
  • - Mayfirst (see also their instructions on how to use it, hosted in New York city
  • - Riseup, an autonomous collective, hosted in Seattle (ask me if you need their password) not a public service
  • - systemli, a left-wing network and technics-collective, hosted in Berlin

Live streaming If for some reason those tools still don't scale, you might have a bigger problem on your hands. If your audience is over 100 people, you will not be able to all join in the same conference together. And besides, maybe you just want to broadcast some news and do not need audio or video feedback from the audience. In this case, you need "live streaming". Here, proprietary services are Twitch, and Youtube. But the community also provides alternatives to those. This is more complicated to setup, but just to get you started, I'll link to: For either of those tools, you need an app on your desktop. The Mayfirst instructions use OBS Studio for this, but it might be possible to hotwire VLC to stream video from your computer as well.

Text chat When all else fails, text should go through. Slack, Twitter and Facebook are the best known alternatives here, obviously. I would warn against spending too much time on those, as they can foment harmful rumors and can spread bullshit like a virus on any given day. The situation does not make that any better. But it can be a good way to keep in touch with your loved ones. But if you want to have a large meetings with a crazy number of people, text can actually accomplish wonders. Internet Relay Chat also known as "IRC" (and which oldies might have experienced for a bit as mIRC) is, incredibly, still alive at the venerable age of 30 years old. It is mainly used by free software projects, but can be used by anyone. Here are some networks you can try: Those are all web interface to the IRC networks, but there are also a plenitude of IRC apps you can install on your desktop if you want the full experience.

Whiteboards and screensharing I decided to add this section later on because it's a frequently mentioned "oh but you forgot..." comment I get from this post.
  • Big Blue Button - seems to check all the boxes: free software, VoIP integration, whiteboarding and screen sharing, works from a web browser
  • CodiMD: collaborative text editor with UML and diagrams support
  • Excalidraw: (collaborative) whiteboard tool that lets you easily sketch diagrams that have a hand-drawn feel
I'll also mention that collaborative editors, in general, like Etherpad are just great for taking minutes because you don't have that single person with the load of writing down what people are saying and is too busy to talk. Google Docs and Nextcloud have similar functionality, of course. Update, public Big Blue Button instances: BBB requires one user to register to start the conference, but once that's done, anyone with the secret URL can join.

Common recommendations Regardless of the tools you pick, audio and video streaming is a technical challenge. A lot of things happen under the hood when you pick up your phone and dial a number, and sometimes using a desktop, it can be difficult to get everything "just right". Some advice:
  1. get a good microphone and headset: good audio really makes a difference in how pleasing the experience will be, both for you and your peers. good hardware will reduce echo, feedback and other audio problems. (see also my audio docs)
  2. check your audio/video setup before joining the meeting, ideally with another participant on the same platform you will use
  3. find a quiet place to meet: even a good microphone will pick up noises from the environment, if you reduce this up front, everything will sound better. if you do live streaming and want high quality recording, considering setting up a smaller room to do recording. (tip: i heard of at least one journalist hiding in a closer full of clothes to make recordings, as it dampens the sound!)
  4. mute your microphone when you are not speaking (spacebar in Jitsi, follow the "audio wizard" in Mumble)
If you have questions or need help, feel free to ask! Comment on this blog or just drop me an email (see contact), I'd be happy to answer your questions.

Other ideas Inevitably, when I write a post like this, someone writes something like "I can't believe you did not mention APL!" Here's a list of tools I have not mentioned here, deliberately or because I forgot:
  • Nextcloud Talk - needs access to a special server, but can be used for small meetings (less than 5, or so i heard)
  • Jabber/XMPP - yes, I know, XMPP can do everything and it's magic. but I've given up a while back, and I don't think setting up audio conferences with multiple enough is easy enough to make the cut here
  • Signal - signal is great. i use it every day. it's the primary way I do long distance, international voice calls for free, and the only way I do video-conferencing with family and friends at all. but it's one to one only, and the group (text) chat kind of sucks
Also, all the tools I recommend above are made of free software, which means they can be self-hosted. If things go bad and all those services stop existing, it should be possible for you to run your own instance. Let me know if I forgot anything, but in a friendly way. And stay safe out there. Update: a similar article from the good folks at systemli also recommends Mastodon, Ticker, Wikis and Etherpad. Update 2: same, at SFC, which also mentions Firefox Send and Etherpad (and now I wish I did).

1 November 2017

James McCoy: Monthly FLOSS activity - 2017/10 edition

Debian subversion vim

9 October 2017

Gunnar Wolf: Achievement unlocked - Made with Creative Commons translated to Spanish! (Thanks, @xattack!)

I am very, very, very happy to report this And I cannot believe we have achieved this so fast: Back in June, I announced I'd start working on the translation of the Made with Creative Commons book into Spanish. Over the following few weeks, I worked out the most viable infrastructure, gathered input and commitments for help from a couple of friends, submitted my project for inclusion in the Hosted Weblate translations site (and got it approved!) Then, we quietly and slowly started working. Then, as it usually happens in late August, early September... The rush of the semester caught me in full, and I left this translation project for later For the next semester, perhaps... Today, I received a mail that surprised me. That stunned me. 99% of translated strings! Of course, it does not look as neat as "100%" would, but there are several strings not to be translated. So, yay for collaborative work! Oh, and FWIW Thanks to everybody who helped. And really, really, really, hats off to Luis Enrique Amaya, a friend whom I see way less than I should. A LIDSOL graduate, and a nice guy all around. Why to him specially? Well... This has several wrinkles to iron out, but, by number of translated lines: ...Need I say more? Luis, I hope you enjoyed reading the book :-] There is still a lot of work to do, and I'm asking the rest of the team some days so I can get my act together. From the mail I just sent, I need to:
  1. Review the Pandoc conversion process, to get the strings formatted again into a book; I had got this working somewhere in the process, but last I checked it broke. I expect this not to be too much of a hurdle, and it will help all other translations.
  2. Start the editorial process at my Institute. Once the book builds, I'll have to start again the stylistic correction process so the Institute agrees to print it out under its seal. This time, we have the hurdle that our correctors will probably hate us due to part of the work being done before we had actually agreed on some important Spanish language issues... which are different between Mexico, Argentina and Costa Rica (where translators are from). Anyway This sets the mood for a great start of the week. Yay!
Screenshot from 2017-10-08 20-55-30.png103.1 KB

2 October 2017

James McCoy: Monthly FLOSS activity - 2017/09 edition

Debian devscripts Before deciding to take an indefinite hiatus from devscripts, I prepared one more upload merging various contributed patches and a bit of last minute cleanup. I also setup integration with Travis CI to hopefully catch issues sooner than "while preparing an upload", as was typically the case before. Anyone with push access to the Debian/devscripts GitHub repo can take advantage of this to test out changes, or keep the development branches up to date. In the process, I was able to make some improvements to, namely support for DEB_BUILD_PROFILES and using a separate, minimal docker image for running autopkgtests. unibilium neovim Oddly, the mips64el builds were in BD-Uninstallable state, even though luajit's buildd status showed it was built. Looking further, I noticed the libluajit-5.1 ,-dev binary packages didn't have the mips64el architecture enabled, so I asked for it to be enabled. msgpack-c There were a few packages left which would FTBFS if I uploaded msgpack-c 2.x to unstable. All of the bug reports had either trivial work arounds (i.e., forcing use of the v1 C++ API) or trivial patches. However, I didn't want to continue waiting for the packages to get fixed since I knew other people had expressed interest in the new msgpack-c. Trying to avoid making other packages insta-buggy, I NMUed autobahn-cpp with the v1 work around. That didn't go over well, partly because I didn't send a finalized "Hey, I'd like to get this done and here's my plan to NMU" email. Based on that feedback, I decided to bump the remaining bugs to "serious" instead of NMUing and upload msgpack-c. Thanks to Jonas Smedegaard for quickly integrating my proposed fix for libdata-messagepack-perl. Hopefully, upstream has some time to review the PR soon. vim subversion

7 September 2017

Gunnar Wolf: It was thirty years ago today... (and a bit more): My first ever public speech!

I came across a folder with the most unexpected treasure trove: The text for my first ever public speech! (and some related materials)
In 1985, being nine years old, I went to the IDESE school, to learn Logo. I found my diploma over ten years ago and blogged about it in this same space. Of course, I don't expect any of you to remember what I wrote twelve years ago about a (then) twenty years old piece of paper! I add to this very old stuff about Gunnar the four pages describing my game, Evitamono ("Avoid the monkey", approximately). I still remember the game quite vividly, including traumatic issues which were quite common back then; I wrote that the sprites were accidentally deleted twice and the game once . I remember several of my peers telling about such experiences. Well, that is good if you account for the second system syndrome! I also found the amazing course material for how to program sound and graphics in the C64 BASIC. That was a course taken by ten year old kids. Kids that understood that you had to write [255,129,165,244,219,165,0,102] (see pages 3-5) into a memory location starting at 53248 to redefine a character so it looked as the graphic element you wanted. Of course, it was done with a set of POKEs, as everything in C64. Or that you could program sound by setting the seven SID registers for each of the three voices containing low frequency, high frequency, low pulse, high pulse, wave control, wave length, wave amplitude in memory locations 54272 through 54292... And so on and on and on... And as a proof that I did take the course: ...I don't think I could make most of my current BSc students make sense out of what is in the manual. But, being a kid in the 1980s, that was the only way to get a computer to do what you wanted. Yay for primitivity! :-D
Speech for "Evitamono"1.29 MB
Coursee material for sound and graphics programming in C64 BASIC15.82 MB
Proof that I was there!4.86 MB

25 August 2017

Reproducible builds folks: Reproducible Builds: Weekly report #121

Here's what happened in the Reproducible Builds effort between Sunday August 13 and Saturday August 19 2017: Reproducible Builds finally mandated by Debian Policy "Packages should build reproducibly" was merged into Debian policy! The added text is as follows and has been included into debian-policy
Packages should build reproducibly, which for the purposes of this
document [#]_ means that given
- a version of a source package unpacked at a given path;
- a set of versions of installed build dependencies;
- a set of environment variable values;
- a build architecture; and
- a host architecture,
repeatedly building the source package for the build architecture on
any machine of the host architecture with those versions of the build
dependencies installed and exactly those environment variable values
set will produce bit-for-bit identical binary packages.
It is recommended that packages produce bit-for-bit identical binaries
even if most environment variables and build paths are varied.  It is
intended for this stricter standard to replace the above when it is
easier for packages to meet it.
.. [#]
   This is Debian's precisification of the
   definition  _.
Reproducible work in other projects Bernhard M. Wiedemann's reproducibleopensuse scripts now work on Debian buster on the openSUSE Build Service with the latest versions of osc and obs-build. Toolchain development and fixes #872514 was opened on devscripts by Chris Lamb to add a reproducible-check program to report on the reproducibility status of installed packages. Packages reviewed and fixed, and bugs filed Upstream reports: Debian reports: Debian non-maintainer uploads: Reviews of unreproducible packages 47 package reviews have been added, 58 have been updated and 39 have been removed in this week, adding to our knowledge about identified issues. 4 issue types have been updated: Weekly QA work During our reproducibility testing, FTBFS bugs have been detected and reported by: diffoscope development Development continued in git, including the following contributions: disorderfs development Development continued in git, including the following contributions: reprotest development Development continued in git, including the following contributions: Mattia fixed the script which creates the HTML representation of our database scheme to not append .html twice to the filename. Misc. This week's edition was written by Ximin Luo, Chris Lamb and Holger Levsen & reviewed by a bunch of Reproducible Builds folks on IRC & the mailing lists.

20 August 2017

Vincent Bernat: IPv6 route lookup on Linux

TL;DR: With its implementation of IPv6 routing tables using radix trees, Linux offers subpar performance (450 ns for a full view 40,000 routes) compared to IPv4 (50 ns for a full view 500,000 routes) but fair memory usage (20 MiB for a full view).
In a previous article, we had a look at IPv4 route lookup on Linux. Let s see how different IPv6 is.

Lookup trie implementation Looking up a prefix in a routing table comes down to find the most specific entry matching the requested destination. A common structure for this task is the trie, a tree structure where each node has its parent as prefix. With IPv4, Linux uses a level-compressed trie (or LPC-trie), providing good performances with low memory usage. For IPv6, Linux uses a more classic radix tree (or Patricia trie). There are three reasons for not sharing:
  • The IPv6 implementation (introduced in Linux 2.1.8, 1996) predates the IPv4 implementation based on LPC-tries (in Linux 2.6.13, commit 19baf839ff4a).
  • The feature set is different. Notably, IPv6 supports source-specific routing1 (since Linux 2.1.120, 1998).
  • The IPv4 address space is denser than the IPv6 address space. Level-compression is therefore quite efficient with IPv4. This may not be the case with IPv6.
The trie in the below illustration encodes 6 prefixes: Radix tree For more in-depth explanation on the different ways to encode a routing table into a trie and a better understanding of radix trees, see the explanations for IPv4. The following figure shows the in-memory representation of the previous radix tree. Each node corresponds to a struct fib6_node. When a node has the RTN_RTINFO flag set, it embeds a pointer to a struct rt6_info containing information about the next-hop. Memory representation of a routing table The fib6_lookup_1() function walks the radix tree in two steps:
  1. walking down the tree to locate the potential candidate, and
  2. checking the candidate and, if needed, backtracking until a match.
Here is a slightly simplified version without source-specific routing:
static struct fib6_node *fib6_lookup_1(struct fib6_node *root,
                                       struct in6_addr  *addr)
    struct fib6_node *fn;
    __be32 dir;
    /* Step 1: locate potential candidate */
    fn = root;
    for (;;)  
        struct fib6_node *next;
        dir = addr_bit_set(addr, fn->fn_bit);
        next = dir ? fn->right : fn->left;
        if (next)  
            fn = next;
    /* Step 2: check prefix and backtrack if needed */
    while (fn)  
        if (fn->fn_flags & RTN_RTINFO)  
            struct rt6key *key;
            key = fn->leaf->rt6i_dst;
            if (ipv6_prefix_equal(&key->addr, addr, key->plen))  
                if (fn->fn_flags & RTN_RTINFO)
                    return fn;
        if (fn->fn_flags & RTN_ROOT)
        fn = fn->parent;
    return NULL;

Caching While IPv4 lost its route cache in Linux 3.6 (commit 5e9965c15ba8), IPv6 still has a caching mechanism. However cache entries are directly put in the radix tree instead of a distinct structure. Since Linux 2.1.30 (1997) and until Linux 4.2 (commit 45e4fd26683c), almost any successful route lookup inserts a cache entry in the radix tree. For example, a router forwarding a ping between 2001:db8:1::1 and 2001:db8:3::1 would get those two cache entries:
$ ip -6 route show cache
2001:db8:1::1 dev r2-r1  metric 0
2001:db8:3::1 via 2001:db8:2::2 dev r2-r3  metric 0
These entries are cleaned up by the ip6_dst_gc() function controlled by the following parameters:
$ sysctl -a   grep -F net.ipv6.route
net.ipv6.route.gc_elasticity = 9
net.ipv6.route.gc_interval = 30
net.ipv6.route.gc_min_interval = 0
net.ipv6.route.gc_min_interval_ms = 500
net.ipv6.route.gc_thresh = 1024
net.ipv6.route.gc_timeout = 60
net.ipv6.route.max_size = 4096
net.ipv6.route.mtu_expires = 600
The garbage collector is triggered at most every 500 ms when there are more than 1024 entries or at least every 30 seconds. The garbage collection won t run for more than 60 seconds, except if there are more than 4096 routes. When running, it will first delete entries older than 30 seconds. If the number of cache entries is still greater than 4096, it will continue to delete more recent entries (but no more recent than 512 jiffies, which is the value of gc_elasticity) after a 500 ms pause. Starting from Linux 4.2 (commit 45e4fd26683c), only a PMTU exception would create a cache entry. A router doesn t have to handle those exceptions, so only hosts would get cache entries. And they should be pretty rare. Martin KaFai Lau explains:
Out of all IPv6 RTF_CACHE routes that are created, the percentage that has a different MTU is very small. In one of our end-user facing proxy server, only 1k out of 80k RTF_CACHE routes have a smaller MTU. For our DC traffic, there is no MTU exception.
Here is how a cache entry with a PMTU exception looks like:
$ ip -6 route show cache
2001:db8:1::50 via 2001:db8:1::13 dev out6  metric 0
    cache  expires 573sec mtu 1400 pref medium

Performance We consider three distinct scenarios:
Excerpt of an Internet full view
In this scenario, Linux acts as an edge router attached to the default-free zone. Currently, the size of such a routing table is a little bit above 40,000 routes.
/48 prefixes spread linearly with different densities
Linux acts as a core router inside a datacenter. Each customer or rack gets one or several /48 networks, which need to be routed around. With a density of 1, /48 subnets are contiguous.
/128 prefixes spread randomly in a fixed /108 subnet
Linux acts as a leaf router for a /64 subnet with hosts getting their IP using autoconfiguration. It is assumed all hosts share the same OUI and therefore, the first 40 bits are fixed. In this scenario, neighbor reachability information for the /64 subnet are converted into routes by some external process and redistributed among other routers sharing the same subnet2.

Route lookup performance With the help of a small kernel module, we can accurately benchmark3 the ip6_route_output_flags() function and correlate the results with the radix tree size: Maximum depth and lookup time Getting meaningful results is challenging due to the size of the address space. None of the scenarios have a fallback route and we only measure time for successful hits4. For the full view scenario, only the range from 2400::/16 to 2a06::/16 is scanned (it contains more than half of the routes). For the /128 scenario, the whole /108 subnet is scanned. For the /48 scenario, the range from the first /48 to the last one is scanned. For each range, 5000 addresses are picked semi-randomly. This operation is repeated until we get 5000 hits or until 1 million tests have been executed. The relation between the maximum depth and the lookup time is incomplete and I can t explain the difference of performance between the different densities of the /48 scenario. We can extract two important performance points:
  • With a full view, the lookup time is 450 ns. This is almost ten times the budget for forwarding at 10 Gbps which is about 50 ns.
  • With an almost empty routing table, the lookup time is 150 ns. This is still over the time budget for forwarding at 10 Gbps.
With IPv4, the lookup time for an almost empty table was 20 ns while the lookup time for a full view (500,000 routes) was a bit above 50 ns. How to explain such a difference? First, the maximum depth of the IPv4 LPC-trie with 500,000 routes was 6, while the maximum depth of the IPv6 radix tree for 40,000 routes is 40. Second, while both IPv4 s fib_lookup() and IPv6 s ip6_route_output_flags() functions have a fixed cost implied by the evaluation of routing rules, IPv4 has several optimizations when the rules are left unmodified5. Those optimizations are removed on the first modification. If we cancel those optimizations, the lookup time for IPv4 is impacted by about 30 ns. This still leaves a 100 ns difference with IPv6 to be explained. Let s compare how time is spent in each lookup function. Here is a CPU flamegraph for IPv4 s fib_lookup(): IPv4 route lookup flamegraph Only 50% of the time is spent in the actual route lookup. The remaining time is spent evaluating the routing rules (about 30 ns). This ratio is dependent on the number of routes we inserted (only 1000 in this example). It should be noted the fib_table_lookup() function is executed twice: once with the local routing table and once with the main routing table. The equivalent flamegraph for IPv6 s ip6_route_output_flags() is depicted below: IPv6 route lookup flamegraph Here is an approximate breakdown on the time spent:
  • 50% is spent in the route lookup in the main table,
  • 15% is spent in handling locking (IPv4 is using the more efficient RCU mechanism),
  • 5% is spent in the route lookup of the local table,
  • most of the remaining is spent in routing rule evaluation (about 100 ns)6.
Why does the evaluation of routing rules is less efficient with IPv6? Again, I don t have a definitive answer.

History The following graph shows the performance progression of route lookups through Linux history: IPv6 route lookup performance progression All kernels are compiled with GCC 4.9 (from Debian Jessie). This version is able to compile older kernels as well as current ones. The kernel configuration is the default one with CONFIG_SMP, CONFIG_IPV6, CONFIG_IPV6_MULTIPLE_TABLES and CONFIG_IPV6_SUBTREES options enabled. Some other unrelated options are enabled to be able to boot them in a virtual machine and run the benchmark. There are three notable performance changes:
  • In Linux 3.1, Eric Dumazet delays a bit the copy of route metrics to fix the undesirable sharing of route-specific metrics by all cache entries (commit 21efcfa0ff27). Each cache entry now gets its own metrics, which explains the performance hit for the non-/128 scenarios.
  • In Linux 3.9, Yoshifuji Hideaki removes the reference to the neighbor entry in struct rt6_info (commit 887c95cc1da5). This should have lead to a performance increase. The small regression may be due to cache-related issues.
  • In Linux 4.2, Martin KaFai Lau prevents the creation of cache entries for most route lookups. The most sensible performance improvement comes with commit 4b32b5ad31a6. The second one is from commit 45e4fd26683c, which effectively removes creation of cache entries, except for PMTU exceptions.

Insertion performance Another interesting performance-related metric is the insertion time. Linux is able to insert a full view in less than two seconds. For some reason, the insertion time is not linear above 50,000 routes and climbs very fast to 60 seconds for 500,000 routes. Insertion time Despite its more complex insertion logic, the IPv4 subsystem is able to insert 2 million routes in less than 10 seconds.

Memory usage Radix tree nodes (struct fib6_node) and routing information (struct rt6_info) are allocated with the slab allocator7. It is therefore possible to extract the information from /proc/slabinfo when the kernel is booted with the slab_nomerge flag:
# sed -ne 2p -e '/^ip6_dst/p' -e '/^fib6_nodes/p' /proc/slabinfo   cut -f1 -d:
   name            <active_objs> <num_objs> <objsize> <objperslab> <pagesperslab>
fib6_nodes         76101  76104     64   63    1
ip6_dst_cache      40090  40090    384   10    1
In the above example, the used memory is 76104 64+40090 384 bytes (about 20 MiB). The number of struct rt6_info matches the number of routes while the number of nodes is roughly twice the number of routes: Nodes The memory usage is therefore quite predictable and reasonable, as even a small single-board computer can support several full views (20 MiB for each): Memory usage The LPC-trie used for IPv4 is more efficient: when 512 MiB of memory is needed for IPv6 to store 1 million routes, only 128 MiB are needed for IPv4. The difference is mainly due to the size of struct rt6_info (336 bytes) compared to the size of IPv4 s struct fib_alias (48 bytes): IPv4 puts most information about next-hops in struct fib_info structures that are shared with many entries.

Conclusion The takeaways from this article are:
  • upgrade to Linux 4.2 or more recent to avoid excessive caching,
  • route lookups are noticeably slower compared to IPv4 (by an order of magnitude),
  • CONFIG_IPV6_MULTIPLE_TABLES option incurs a fixed penalty of 100 ns by lookup,
  • memory usage is fair (20 MiB for 40,000 routes).
Compared to IPv4, IPv6 in Linux doesn t foster the same interest, notably in term of optimizations. Hopefully, things are changing as its adoption and use at scale are increasing.

  1. For a given destination prefix, it s possible to attach source-specific prefixes:
    ip -6 route add 2001:db8:1::/64 \
      from 2001:db8:3::/64 \
      via fe80::1 \
      dev eth0
    Lookup is first done on the destination address, then on the source address.
  2. This is quite different of the classic scenario where Linux acts as a gateway for a /64 subnet. In this case, the neighbor subsystem stores the reachability information for each host and the routing table only contains a single /64 prefix.
  3. The measurements are done in a virtual machine with one vCPU and no neighbors. The host is an Intel Core i5-4670K running at 3.7 GHz during the experiment (CPU governor set to performance). The benchmark is single-threaded. Many lookups are performed and the result reported is the median value. Timings of individual runs are computed from the TSC.
  4. Most of the packets in the network are expected to be routed to a destination. However, this also means the backtracking code path is not used in the /128 and /48 scenarios. Having a fallback route gives far different results and make it difficult to ensure we explore the address space correctly.
  5. The exact same optimizations could be applied for IPv6. Nobody did it yet.
  6. Compiling out table support effectively removes those last 100 ns.
  7. There is also per-CPU pointers allocated directly (4 bytes per entry per CPU on a 64-bit architecture). We ignore this detail.

20 July 2017

Gunnar Wolf: Hey, everybody, come share the joy of work!

I got several interesting and useful replies, both via the blog and by personal email, to my two previous posts where I mentioned I would be starting a translation of the Made With Creative Commons book. It is my pleasure to say: Welcome everybody, come and share the joy of work! Some weeks ago, our project was accepted as part of Hosted Weblate, lowering the bar for any interested potential contributor. So, whoever wants to be a part of this: You just have to log in to Weblate (or create an account if needed), and start working! What is our current status? Amazingly better than anything I have exepcted: Not only we have made great progress in Spanish, reaching >28% of translated source strings, but also other people have started translating into Norwegian Bokm l (hi Petter!) and Dutch (hats off to Heimen Stoffels!). So far, Spanish (where Leo Arias and myself are working) is most active, but anything can happen. I still want to work a bit on the initial, pre-po4a text filtering, as there are a small number of issues to fix. But they are few and easy to spot, your translations will not be hampered much when I solve the missing pieces. So, go ahead and get to work! :-D Oh, and if you translate sizeable amounts of work into Spanish: As my university wants to publish (in paper) the resulting works, we would be most grateful if you can fill in the (needless! But still, they ask me to do this...) authorization for your work to be a part of a printed book.

22 June 2017

Dirk Eddelbuettel: nanotime 0.2.0

A new version of the nanotime package for working with nanosecond timestamps just arrived on CRAN. nanotime uses the RcppCCTZ package for (efficient) high(er) resolution time parsing and formatting up to nanosecond resolution, and the bit64 package for the actual integer64 arithmetic. Thanks to a metric ton of work by Leonardo Silvestri, the package now uses S4 classes internally allowing for greater consistency of operations on nanotime objects.

Changes in version 0.2.0 (2017-06-22)
  • Rewritten in S4 to provide more robust operations (#17 by Leonardo)
  • Ensure tz="" is treated as unset (Leonardo in #20)
  • Added format and tz arguments to nanotime, format, print (#22 by Leonardo and Dirk)
  • Ensure printing respect options()$max.print, ensure names are kept with vector (#23 by Leonardo)
  • Correct summary() by defining names<- (Leonardo in #25 fixing #24)
  • Report error on operations that are meaningful for type; handled NA, NaN, Inf, -Inf correctly (Leonardo in #27 fixing #26)

We also have a diff to the previous version thanks to CRANberries. More details and examples are at the nanotime page; code, issue tickets etc at the GitHub repository.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

18 June 2017

Simon Josefsson: OpenPGP smartcard under GNOME on Debian 9.0 Stretch

I installed Debian 9.0 Stretch on my Lenovo X201 laptop today. Installation went smooth, as usual. GnuPG/SSH with an OpenPGP smartcard I use a YubiKey NEO does not work out of the box with GNOME though. I wrote about how to fix OpenPGP smartcards under GNOME with Debian 8.0 Jessie earlier, and I thought I d do a similar blog post for Debian 9.0 Stretch . The situation is slightly different than before (e.g., GnuPG works better but SSH doesn t) so there is some progress. May I hope that Debian 10.0 Buster gets this right? Pointers to which package in Debian should have a bug report tracking this issue is welcome (or a pointer to an existing bug report). After first login, I attempt to use gpg --card-status to check if GnuPG can talk to the smartcard.
jas@latte:~$ gpg --card-status
gpg: error getting version from 'scdaemon': No SmartCard daemon
gpg: OpenPGP card not available: No SmartCard daemon
This fails because scdaemon is not installed. Isn t a smartcard common enough so that this should be installed by default on a GNOME Desktop Debian installation? Anyway, install it as follows.
root@latte:~# apt-get install scdaemon
Then try again.
jas@latte:~$ gpg --card-status
gpg: selecting openpgp failed: No such device
gpg: OpenPGP card not available: No such device
I believe scdaemon here attempts to use its internal CCID implementation, and I do not know why it does not work. At this point I often recall that want pcscd installed since I work with smartcards in general.
root@latte:~# apt-get install pcscd
Now gpg --card-status works!
jas@latte:~$ gpg --card-status
Reader ...........: Yubico Yubikey NEO CCID 00 00
Application ID ...: D2760001240102000006017403230000
Version ..........: 2.0
Manufacturer .....: Yubico
Serial number ....: 01740323
Name of cardholder: Simon Josefsson
Language prefs ...: sv
Sex ..............: male
URL of public key :
Login data .......: jas
Signature PIN ....: not forced
Key attributes ...: rsa2048 rsa2048 rsa2048
Max. PIN lengths .: 127 127 127
PIN retry counter : 3 3 3
Signature counter : 8358
Signature key ....: 9941 5CE1 905D 0E55 A9F8  8026 860B 7FBB 32F8 119D
      created ....: 2014-06-22 19:19:04
Encryption key....: DC9F 9B7D 8831 692A A852  D95B 9535 162A 78EC D86B
      created ....: 2014-06-22 19:19:20
Authentication key: 2E08 856F 4B22 2148 A40A  3E45 AF66 08D7 36BA 8F9B
      created ....: 2014-06-22 19:19:41
General key info..: sub  rsa2048/860B7FBB32F8119D 2014-06-22 Simon Josefsson 
sec#  rsa3744/0664A76954265E8C  created: 2014-06-22  expires: 2017-09-04
ssb>  rsa2048/860B7FBB32F8119D  created: 2014-06-22  expires: 2017-09-04
                                card-no: 0006 01740323
ssb>  rsa2048/9535162A78ECD86B  created: 2014-06-22  expires: 2017-09-04
                                card-no: 0006 01740323
ssb>  rsa2048/AF6608D736BA8F9B  created: 2014-06-22  expires: 2017-09-04
                                card-no: 0006 01740323
Using the key will not work though.
jas@latte:~$ echo foo gpg -a --sign
gpg: no default secret key: No secret key
gpg: signing failed: No secret key
This is because the public key and the secret key stub are not available.
jas@latte:~$ gpg --list-keys
jas@latte:~$ gpg --list-secret-keys
You need to import the key for this to work. I have some vague memory that gpg --card-status was supposed to do this, but I may be wrong.
jas@latte:~$ gpg --recv-keys 9AA9BDB11BB1B99A21285A330664A76954265E8C
gpg: failed to start the dirmngr '/usr/bin/dirmngr': No such file or directory
gpg: connecting dirmngr at '/run/user/1000/gnupg/S.dirmngr' failed: No such file or directory
gpg: keyserver receive failed: No dirmngr
Surprisingly, dirmngr is also not shipped by default so it has to be installed manually.
root@latte:~# apt-get install dirmngr
Below I proceed to trust the clouds to find my key.
jas@latte:~$ gpg --recv-keys 9AA9BDB11BB1B99A21285A330664A76954265E8C
gpg: key 0664A76954265E8C: public key "Simon Josefsson " imported
gpg: no ultimately trusted keys found
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg:               imported: 1
Now the public key and the secret key stub are available locally.
jas@latte:~$ gpg --list-keys
pub   rsa3744 2014-06-22 [SC] [expires: 2017-09-04]
uid           [ unknown] Simon Josefsson 
uid           [ unknown] Simon Josefsson 
sub   rsa2048 2014-06-22 [S] [expires: 2017-09-04]
sub   rsa2048 2014-06-22 [E] [expires: 2017-09-04]
sub   rsa2048 2014-06-22 [A] [expires: 2017-09-04]
jas@latte:~$ gpg --list-secret-keys
sec#  rsa3744 2014-06-22 [SC] [expires: 2017-09-04]
uid           [ unknown] Simon Josefsson 
uid           [ unknown] Simon Josefsson 
ssb>  rsa2048 2014-06-22 [S] [expires: 2017-09-04]
ssb>  rsa2048 2014-06-22 [E] [expires: 2017-09-04]
ssb>  rsa2048 2014-06-22 [A] [expires: 2017-09-04]
I am now able to sign data with the smartcard, yay!
jas@latte:~$ echo foo gpg -a --sign
Encrypting to myself will not work smoothly though.
jas@latte:~$ echo foo gpg -a --encrypt -r
gpg: 9535162A78ECD86B: There is no assurance this key belongs to the named user
sub  rsa2048/9535162A78ECD86B 2014-06-22 Simon Josefsson 
 Primary key fingerprint: 9AA9 BDB1 1BB1 B99A 2128  5A33 0664 A769 5426 5E8C
      Subkey fingerprint: DC9F 9B7D 8831 692A A852  D95B 9535 162A 78EC D86B
It is NOT certain that the key belongs to the person named
in the user ID.  If you *really* know what you are doing,
you may answer the next question with yes.
Use this key anyway? (y/N) 
gpg: signal Interrupt caught ... exiting
The reason is that the newly imported key has unknown trust settings. I update the trust settings on my key to fix this, and encrypting now works without a prompt.
jas@latte:~$ gpg --edit-key 9AA9BDB11BB1B99A21285A330664A76954265E8C
gpg (GnuPG) 2.1.18; Copyright (C) 2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
Secret key is available.
pub  rsa3744/0664A76954265E8C
     created: 2014-06-22  expires: 2017-09-04  usage: SC  
     trust: unknown       validity: unknown
ssb  rsa2048/860B7FBB32F8119D
     created: 2014-06-22  expires: 2017-09-04  usage: S   
     card-no: 0006 01740323
ssb  rsa2048/9535162A78ECD86B
     created: 2014-06-22  expires: 2017-09-04  usage: E   
     card-no: 0006 01740323
ssb  rsa2048/AF6608D736BA8F9B
     created: 2014-06-22  expires: 2017-09-04  usage: A   
     card-no: 0006 01740323
[ unknown] (1). Simon Josefsson 
[ unknown] (2)  Simon Josefsson 
gpg> trust
pub  rsa3744/0664A76954265E8C
     created: 2014-06-22  expires: 2017-09-04  usage: SC  
     trust: unknown       validity: unknown
ssb  rsa2048/860B7FBB32F8119D
     created: 2014-06-22  expires: 2017-09-04  usage: S   
     card-no: 0006 01740323
ssb  rsa2048/9535162A78ECD86B
     created: 2014-06-22  expires: 2017-09-04  usage: E   
     card-no: 0006 01740323
ssb  rsa2048/AF6608D736BA8F9B
     created: 2014-06-22  expires: 2017-09-04  usage: A   
     card-no: 0006 01740323
[ unknown] (1). Simon Josefsson 
[ unknown] (2)  Simon Josefsson 
Please decide how far you trust this user to correctly verify other users' keys
(by looking at passports, checking fingerprints from different sources, etc.)
  1 = I don't know or won't say
  2 = I do NOT trust
  3 = I trust marginally
  4 = I trust fully
  5 = I trust ultimately
  m = back to the main menu
Your decision? 5
Do you really want to set this key to ultimate trust? (y/N) y
pub  rsa3744/0664A76954265E8C
     created: 2014-06-22  expires: 2017-09-04  usage: SC  
     trust: ultimate      validity: unknown
ssb  rsa2048/860B7FBB32F8119D
     created: 2014-06-22  expires: 2017-09-04  usage: S   
     card-no: 0006 01740323
ssb  rsa2048/9535162A78ECD86B
     created: 2014-06-22  expires: 2017-09-04  usage: E   
     card-no: 0006 01740323
ssb  rsa2048/AF6608D736BA8F9B
     created: 2014-06-22  expires: 2017-09-04  usage: A   
     card-no: 0006 01740323
[ unknown] (1). Simon Josefsson 
[ unknown] (2)  Simon Josefsson 
Please note that the shown key validity is not necessarily correct
unless you restart the program.
gpg> quit
jas@latte:~$ echo foo gpg -a --encrypt -r
So everything is fine, isn t it? Alas, not quite.
jas@latte:~$ ssh-add -L
The agent has no identities.
Tracking this down, I now realize that GNOME s keyring is used for SSH but GnuPG s gpg-agent is used for GnuPG. GnuPG uses the environment variable GPG_AGENT_INFO to connect to an agent, and SSH uses the SSH_AUTH_SOCK environment variable to find its agent. The filenames used below leak the knowledge that gpg-agent is used for GnuPG but GNOME keyring is used for SSH.
jas@latte:~$ echo $GPG_AGENT_INFO 
jas@latte:~$ echo $SSH_AUTH_SOCK 
Here the same recipe as in my previous blog post works. This time GNOME keyring only has to be disabled for SSH. Disabling GNOME keyring is not sufficient, you also need gpg-agent to start with enable-ssh-support. The simplest way to achieve that is to add a line in ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf as follows. When you login, the script /etc/X11/Xsession.d/90gpg-agent will set the environment variables GPG_AGENT_INFO and SSH_AUTH_SOCK. The latter variable is only set if enable-ssh-support is mentioned in the gpg-agent configuration.
jas@latte:~$ mkdir ~/.config/autostart
jas@latte:~$ cp /etc/xdg/autostart/gnome-keyring-ssh.desktop ~/.config/autostart/
jas@latte:~$ echo 'Hidden=true' >> ~/.config/autostart/gnome-keyring-ssh.desktop 
jas@latte:~$ echo enable-ssh-support >> ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf 
Log out from GNOME and log in again. Now you should see ssh-add -L working.
jas@latte:~$ ssh-add -L
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDFP+UOTZJ+OXydpmbKmdGOVoJJz8se7lMs139T+TNLryk3EEWF+GqbB4VgzxzrGjwAMSjeQkAMb7Sbn+VpbJf1JDPFBHoYJQmg6CX4kFRaGZT6DHbYjgia59WkdkEYTtB7KPkbFWleo/RZT2u3f8eTedrP7dhSX0azN0lDuu/wBrwedzSV+AiPr10rQaCTp1V8sKbhz5ryOXHQW0Gcps6JraRzMW+ooKFX3lPq0pZa7qL9F6sE4sDFvtOdbRJoZS1b88aZrENGx8KSrcMzARq9UBn1plsEG4/3BRv/BgHHaF+d97by52R0VVyIXpLlkdp1Uk4D9cQptgaH4UAyI1vr cardno:000601740323
Topics for further discussion or research include 1) whether scdaemon, dirmngr and/or pcscd should be pre-installed on Debian desktop systems; 2) whether gpg --card-status should attempt to import the public key and secret key stub automatically; 3) why GNOME keyring is used by default for SSH rather than gpg-agent; 4) whether GNOME keyring should support smartcards, or if it is better to always use gpg-agent for GnuPG/SSH, 5) if something could/should be done to automatically infer the trust setting for a secret key. Enjoy!

13 June 2017

Gunnar Wolf: Reporting progress on the translation infrastructure

Some days ago, I blogged asking for pointers to get started with the translation of Made with Creative Commons. Thank you all for your pointers and ideas! To the people that answered via private mail, via IRC, via comments on the blog. We have made quite a bit of progress so far; I want to test some things before actually sending a call for help. What do we have?
Git repository set up
I had already set up a repository at GitLab; right now, the contents are far from useful, they merely document what I have done so far. I have started talking with my Costa Rican friend Leo Arias, who is also interested in putting some muscle behind this translation, and we are both the admins to this project.
Talked with the authors
Sarah is quite enthusiastic about us making this! I asked her to hold a little bit before officially announcing there is work ongoing... I want to get bits of infrastructure ironed out first. Important Talking with her, she discussed the tools they used for authoring the book. It made me less of a purist :) Instead of starting from something "pristine", our master source will be the PDF export of the Google Docs document.
Markdown conversion
Given that translation tools work over the bits of plaintext, we want to work with the "plainest" rendition of the document, which is Markdown. I found that Pandoc does a very good approximation to what we need (that is, introduces very little "ugly" markup elements). Converting the ODT into Markdown is as easy as:
$ pandoc -f odt MadewithCreativeCommonsmostup-to-dateversion.odt -t markdown >
Of course, I want to fine-tune this as much as possible.
Producing a translatable .po file
I have used Gettext to translate user interfaces; it is a tool very well crafted for that task. Translating a book is quite different: How and where does it break and join? How are paragraphs "strung" together into chapters, parts, a book? That's a task for PO 4 Anything (po4a). As simple as this:
po4a-gettextize -f text -m -p MadewithCreativeCommonsmostup-to-dateversion.po -M utf-8
I tested the resulting file with my good ol' trusty poedit, and it works... Very nicely!
What is left to do?

9 May 2017

Reproducible builds folks: Reproducible Builds: week 106 in Stretch cycle

Here's what happened in the Reproducible Builds effort between Sunday April 30 and Saturday May 6 2017: Past and upcoming events Between May 5th-7th the Reproducible Builds Hackathon 2017 took place in Hamburg, Germany. On May 6th Mattia Rizzolo gave a talk on Reproducible Builds at DUCC-IT 17 in Vicenza, Italy. On May 13th Chris Lamb will give a talk on Reproducible Builds at OSCAL 2017 in Tirana, Albania. Media coverage Toolchain development and fixes Packages reviewed and fixed, and bugs filed Chris Lamb: Reviews of unreproducible packages 93 package reviews have been added, 12 have been updated and 98 have been removed in this week, adding to our knowledge about identified issues. The following issues have been added: 2 issue types have been updated: The following issues have been removed: Weekly QA work During our reproducibility testing, FTBFS bugs have been detected and reported by: diffoscope development strip-nondeterminism development
This week's edition was written by Chris Lamb, Holger Levsen and Ximin Luo & reviewed by a bunch of Reproducible Builds folks on IRC & the mailing lists.

30 April 2017

Russ Allbery: Review: Periodic Tales

Review: Periodic Tales, by Hugh Aldersey-Williams
Publisher: HarperCollins
Copyright: February 2011
ISBN: 0-06-207881-X
Format: Kindle
Pages: 451
Perhaps my favorite chapter in Randall Munroe's What If? is his examination of what would happen if you assembled a periodic table from square blocks of each element. As with most What If? questions, the answer is "everyone in the vicinity dies," but it's all about the journey. The periodic table is full of so many elements that we rarely hear about but which have fascinating properties. It was partly in the memory of that chapter that I bought Periodic Tales on impulse after seeing a mention of it somewhere on the Internet (I now forget where). Hugh Aldersey-Williams is a journalist and author, but with a background in natural sciences. He also has a life-long hobby of collecting samples of the elements and attempting to complete his own private copy of the periodic table, albeit with considerably more precautions and sample containment than Munroe's thought experiment. Periodic Tales is inspired by that collection. It's a tour and cultural history of many of the elements, discussing their discovery, their role in commerce and industry, their appearance, and often some personal anecdotes. This is not exactly a chemistry book, although there's certainly some chemistry here, nor is it a history, although Aldersey-Williams usually includes some historical notes about each element he discusses. The best term might be an anthropology of the elements: a discussion of how they've influenced culture and an examination of the cultural assumptions and connections we've constructed around them. But primarily it's an idiosyncratic and personal tour of the things Aldersey-Williams found interesting about each one. Periodic Tales is not comprehensive. The completionist in me found that a bit disappointing, and there are a few elements that I think would have fit the overall thrust of the book but are missing. (Lithium and its connection to mental health and now computer batteries comes to mind.) It's also not organized in the obvious way, either horizontally or vertically along the periodic table. Instead, Aldersey-Williams has divided the elements he talks about into five major but fairly artificial divisions: power (primarily in the economic sense), fire (focused on burning and light), craft (the materials from which we make things), beauty, and earth. Obviously, these are fuzzy; silver appears in craft, but could easily be in power with gold. I'm not sure how defensible this division was. But it does, for good or for ill, break the reader's mind away from a purely chemical and analytical treatment and towards broader cultural associations. This cultural focus, along with Aldersey-Williams's clear and conversational style, are what pull this book firmly away from being a beautified recitation of facts that could be gleamed from Wikipedia. It also leads to some unexpected choices of focus. For example, the cultural touchstone he chooses for sodium is not salt (which is a broad enough topic for an entire book) but sodium street lights, the ubiquitous and color-distorting light of modern city nights, thus placing salt in the "fire" category of the book. Discussion of cobalt is focused on pigments: the brilliant colors of paint made possible by its many brightly-colored compounds. Arsenic is, of course, a poison, but it's also a source of green, widely used in wallpaper (and Aldersey-Williams discusses the connection with the controversial death of Napoleon). And the discussion of aluminum starts with a sculpture, and includes a fascinating discussion of "banalization" as we become used to use of a new metal, which the author continues when looking a titanium and its currently-occurring cultural transition between the simply new and modern and a well-established metal with its own unique cultural associations. One drawback of the somewhat scattered organization is that, while Periodic Tales provides fascinating glimmers of the history of chemistry and the search to isolate elements, those glimmers are disjointed and presented in no particular order. Recently-discovered metals are discussed alongside ancient ones, and the huge surge in elemental isolation in the 1800s is all jumbled together. Wikipedia has a very useful timeline that helps sort out one's sense of history, but there was a part of me left wanting a more structured presentation. I read books like this primarily for the fascinating trivia. Mercury: known in ancient times, but nearly useless, so used primarily for ritual and decoration (making the modern reader cringe). Relative abundancies of different elements, which often aren't at all what one might think. Rare earths (not actually that rare): isolated through careful, tedious work by Swedish mining chemists whom most people have never heard of, unlike the discoverers of many other elements. And the discovery of the noble gases, which is a fascinating bit of disruptive science made possible by new technology (the spectroscope), forcing a rethinking of the periodic table (which had no column for noble gases). I read a lot of this while on vacation and told interesting tidbits to my parents over breakfast or dinner. It's that sort of book. This is definitely in the popular science and popular writing category, for all the pluses and minuses that brings. It's not a detailed look at either chemistry or history. But it's very fun to read, it provides a lot of conversational material, and it takes a cultural approach that would not have previously occurred to me. Recommended if you like this sort of thing. Rating: 7 out of 10

29 April 2017

Russ Allbery: Review: Neverness

Review: Neverness, by David Zindell
Publisher: Bantam Spectra
Copyright: May 1988
Printing: July 1989
ISBN: 0-553-27903-3
Format: Mass market
Pages: 552
Mallory Ringess is a Pilot, one of the people who can guide a lightship through interstellar space from inside the dark cocoon and biotech interface that allows visualization of the mathematics of interstellar travel. At the start of the book, he's young, arrogant, impulsive, and has a deeply unhealthy relationship with Leopold Soli, the Lord Pilot and supposedly his uncle by marriage (although they share a remarkable physical resemblance). An encounter with his uncle in a bar provokes a rash promise, and Ringess finds himself promising to attempt to map the Solid State Entity in search of the Elder Eddas, a secret of life from the mythical Ieldra that might lead to mankind's immortality. The opening of Neverness is Ringess's initial voyage and brash search, in which he proves to be a capable mathematician who can navigate a region of space twisted and deformed by becoming part of a transcendent machine intelligence. The knowledge he comes away with, though, is scarcely more coherent than the hints Soli relates at the start of the story: the secret of mankind is somehow hidden in its deepest past. That, in turn, provokes a deeply bizarre trip into the ice surrounding his home city of Neverness to attempt to steal biological material from people who have recreated themselves as Neanderthals. Beyond that point, I would say that things get even weirder, but weird still implies some emotional connection with the story. I think a more accurate description is that the book gets more incoherently mystical, more hopelessly pretentious, and more depressingly enthralled by childish drama. It's the sort of thing that one writes if one is convinced that the Oedipal complex is the height of subtle characterization. I loathed this book. I started loathing this book partway through Ringess's trip through the Solid State Entity, when Zindell's prose reached for transcendent complexity, tripped over its own shoelaces, and fell headlong into overwrought babbling. I continued reading every page because there's a perverse pleasure in hate-reading a book one dislikes this intensely, and because I wanted to write a review on the firm foundation of having endured the entire experience. The paperback edition I have has a pull quote from Orson Scott Card on the cover, which includes the phrase "excellent hard science fiction." I'm not sure what book Card read, because if this is hard science fiction, Lord of the Rings is paranormal romance. Even putting aside the idea that one travels through interstellar space by proving mathematical theorems in artificially dilated time (I don't think Zindell really understands what a proof is or why you write one), there's the whole business with stopping time with one's mind, reading other people's minds, and remembering one's own DNA. The technology, such as it is, makes considerably less sense than Star Wars. The hard SF requirement to keep technology consistent with extrapolated science is nowhere to be found here. The back-cover quote from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch is a bit more on-target: "Reminiscent of Gene Wolfe's New Sun novels... really comes to life among the intrigues of Neverness." This is indeed reminiscent of Gene Wolfe, in that it wouldn't surprise me at all if Zindell fell in love with the sense of antiquity, strangeness, and hints of understood technology that Wolfe successfully creates and attempted to emulate Wolfe in his first novel. Sadly, Zindell isn't Wolfe. Almost no one is, which is why attempting to emulate the extremely difficult feat Wolfe pulls off in the Book of the New Sun in your first novel is not a good idea. The results aren't pretty. There is something to be said for resplendent descriptions, rich with detail and ornamental prose. That something is "please use sparingly and with an eye to the emotional swings of the novel." Wolfe does not try to write most of a novel that way, which is what makes those moments of description so effective. Wolfe is also much better at making his mysteries and allusions subtle and unobtrusive, rather than having the first-person protagonist beat the reader over the head with them for pages at a time. This is a case where showing is probably better than telling. Let me quote a bit of description from the start of the book:
She shimmers, my city, she shimmers. She is said to be the most beautiful of all the cities of the Civilized Worlds, more beautiful even than Parpallaix or the cathedral cities of Vesper. To the west, pushing into the green sea like a huge, jewel-studded sleeve of city, the fragile obsidian cloisters and hospices of the Farsider's Quarter gleamed like black glass mirrors. Straight ahead as we skated, I saw the frothy churn of the Sound and their whitecaps of breakers crashing against the cliffs of North Beach and above the entire city, veined with purple and glazed with snow and ice, Waaskel and Attakel rose up like vast pyramids against the sky. Beneath the half-ring of extinct volcanoes (Urkel, I should mention, is the southernmost peak, and though less magnificent than the others, it has a conical symmetry that some find pleasing) the towers and spires of the Academy scattered the dazzling false winter light so that the whole of the Old City sparkled.
That's less than half of that paragraph, and the entire book is written like that, even in the middle of conversations. Endless, constant words piled on words about absolutely everything, whether important or not, whether emotionally significant or not. And much of it isn't even description, but philosophical ponderings that are desperately trying to seem profound. Here's another bit:
Although I knew I had never seen her before, I felt as if I had known her all my life. I was instantly in love with her, not, of course, as one loves another human being, but as a wanderer might love a new ocean or a gorgeous snowy peak he has glimpsed for the first time. I was practically struck dumb by her calmness and her beauty, so I said the first stupid thing which came to mind. "Welcome to Neverness," I told her.
Now, I should be fair: some people like this kind of description, or at least have more tolerance for it than I do. But that brings me to the second problem: there isn't a single truly likable character in this entire novel. Ringess, the person telling us this whole story, is a spoiled man-child, the sort of deeply immature and insecure person who attempts to compensate through bluster, impetuousness, and refusing to ever admit that he made a mistake or needed to learn something. He spends a good portion of the book, particularly the deeply bizarre and off-putting sections with the fake Neanderthals, attempting to act out some sort of stereotyped toxic masculinity and wallowing in negative emotions. Soli is an arrogant, abusive asshole from start to finish. Katherine, Ringess's love interest, is a seer who has had her eyes removed to see the future (I cannot express how disturbing I found Zindell's descriptions of this), has bizarre and weirdly sexualized reactions to the future she never explains, and leaves off the ends of all of her sentences, which might be be the most pointlessly irritating dialogue quirk I've seen in a novel. And Ringess's mother is a man-hating feminist from a separatist culture who turns into a master manipulator (I'm starting to see why Card liked this book). I at least really wanted to like Bardo, Ringess's closest friend, who has a sort of crude loyalty and unwillingness to get pulled too deep into the philosophical quicksand lurking underneath everything in this novel. Alas, Zindell insists on constantly describing Bardo's odious eating, belching, and sexual habits every time he's on the page, thus reducing him to the disgusting buffoon who gets drunk a lot and has irritating verbal ticks. About the only person I could stand by the end of the book was Justine, who at least seems vaguely sensible (and who leaves the person who abuses her), but she's too much of a non-entity to carry sustained interest. (There is potential here for a deeply scathing and vicious retelling of this story from Justine's point of view, focusing on the ways she was belittled, abused, and ignored, but I think Zindell was entirely unaware of why that would be so effective.) Oh, and there's lots of gore and horrific injury and lovingly-described torture, because of course there is. And that brings me back to the second half of that St. Louis Post-Dispatch review quote: "... really comes to life among the intrigues of Neverness." I would love to know what was hiding behind the ellipses in this pull quote, because this half-sentence is not wrong. Insofar as Neverness has any real appeal, it's in the intrigues of the city of Neverness and in the political structure that rules it. What this quote omits is that these intrigues start around page 317, more than halfway through the novel. That's about the point where faux-Wolfe starts mixing with late-career Frank Herbert and we get poet-assassins, some revelations about the leader of the Pilot culture, and some more concrete explanations of what this mess of a book is about. Unfortunately, you have to read through the huge and essentially meaningless Neanderthal scenes to get there, scenes that have essentially nothing to do with the interesting content of this book. (Everything that motivates them turns out to be completely irrelevant to the plot and useless for the characters.) The last 40% of the book is almost passable, and characters I cared about might have even made it enjoyable. Still, a couple of remaining problems detract heavily, chief among them the lack of connection of the great revelation of the story to, well, anything in the story. We learn at the very start of the novel that the stars of the Vild are mysteriously exploding, and much of the novel is driven by uncovering an explanation and solution. The characters do find an explanation, but not through any investigation. Ringess is simply told what is happening, in a wad of exposition, as a reward for something else entirely. It's weirdly disconnected from and irrelevant to everything else in the story. (There are some faint connections to the odd technological rules that the Pilot society lives under, but Zindell doesn't even draw attention to those.) The political intrigue in Neverness is similar: it appears out of nowhere more than halfway through the book, with no dramatic foundation for the motives of the person who has been keeping most of the secrets. And the final climax of the political machinations involves a bunch of mystical nonsense masquerading as science, and more of the Neanderthal bullshit that ruins the first half of the book. This is a thoroughly bad book: poorly plotted, poorly written, clotted and pretentious in style, and full of sociopaths and emotionally stunted children. I read the whole thing because I'm immensely stubborn and make poor life choices, but I was saying the eight deadly words ("I don't care what happens to these people") by a hundred pages in. Don't emulate my bad decisions. (Somehow, this novel was shortlisted for the Arthur C. Clarke award in 1990. What on earth could they possibly have been thinking?) Neverness is a stand-alone novel, but the ending sets up a subsequent trilogy that I have no intention of reading. Followed by The Broken God. Rating: 2 out of 10

31 March 2017

Chris Lamb: Free software activities in March 2017

Here is my monthly update covering what I have been doing in the free software world (previous month):
Reproducible builds

Whilst anyone can inspect the source code of free software for malicious flaws, most software is distributed pre-compiled to end users. The motivation behind the Reproducible Builds effort is to permit verification that no flaws have been introduced either maliciously or accidentally during this compilation process by promising identical results are always generated from a given source, thus allowing multiple third-parties to come to a consensus on whether a build was compromised. I have generously been awarded a grant from the Core Infrastructure Initiative to fund my work in this area. This month I:
I also made the following changes to our tooling:

diffoscope is our in-depth and content-aware diff utility that can locate and diagnose reproducibility issues.

  • New features/optimisations:
    • Extract squashfs archive in one go rather than per-file, speeding up ISO comparison by ~10x.
    • Add support for .docx and .odt files via docx2txt & odt2txt. (#859056).
    • Add support for PGP files via pgpdump. (#859034).
    • Add support for comparing Pcap files. (#858867).
    • Compare GIF images using gifbuild. (#857610).
  • Bug fixes:
    • Ensure that we really are using ImageMagick and not the GraphicsMagick compatibility layer. (#857940).
    • Fix and add test for meaningless 1234-content metadata when introspecting archives. (#858223).
    • Fix detection of ISO9660 images processed with isohybrid.
    • Skip icc tests if the Debian-specific patch is not present. (#856447).
    • Support newer versions of cbfstool to avoid test failures. (#856446).
    • Update the progress bar prior to working to ensure filename is in sync.
  • Cleanups:
    • Use /usr/share/dpkg/ over manual calls to dpkg-parsechangelog in debian/rules.
    • Ensure tests and the runtime environment can locate binaries in /usr/sbin (eg. tcpdump).


strip-nondeterminism is our tool to remove specific non-deterministic results from a completed build.

  • Fix a possible endless loop while stripping .ar files due to trusting the file's own file size data. (#857975).
  • Add support for testing files we should reject and include the filename when evaluating fixtures. is my experiment into how to process, store and distribute .buildinfo files after the Debian archive software has processed them.

  • Add support for Format: 1.0. (#20).
  • Don't parse Format: header as the source package version. (#21).
  • Show the reproducible status of packages.


I submitted my platform for the 2017 Debian Project Leader Elections. This was subsequently covered on LWN and I have been participating in the discussions on the debian-vote mailing list since then.

Debian LTS

This month I have been paid to work 14.75 hours on Debian Long Term Support (LTS). In that time I did the following:
  • "Frontdesk" duties, triaging CVEs, etc.
  • Issued DLA 848-1 for the freetype font library fixing a denial of service vulnerability.
  • Issued DLA 851-1 for wget preventing a header injection attack.
  • Issued DLA 863-1 for the deluge BitTorrent client correcting a cross-site request forgery vulnerability.
  • Issued DLA 864-1 for jhead (an EXIF metadata tool) patching an arbitrary code execution vulnerability.
  • Issued DLA 865-1 for the suricata intrusion detection system, fixing an IP protocol matching error.
  • Issued DLA 871-1 for python3.2 fixing a TLS stripping vulnerability in the smptlib library.
  • Issued DLA 873-1 for apt-cacher preventing a HTTP response splitting vulnerability.
  • Issued DLA 876-1 for eject to prevent an issue regarding the checking of setuid(2) and setgid(2) return values.

  • python-django:
    • 1:1.10.6-1 New upstream bugfix release.
    • 1:1.11~rc1-1 New upstream release candidate.
  • redis:
    • 3:3.2.8-2 Avoid conflict between RuntimeDirectory and tmpfiles.d(5) both attempting to create /run/redis with differing permissions. (#856116)
    • 3:3.2.8-3 Revert the creation of a /usr/bin/redis-check-rdb to /usr/bin/redis-server symlink to avoid a dangling symlink if only the redis-tools package is installed. (#858519)
  • gunicorn 19.7.0-1 & 19.7.1-1 New upstream releases.
  • adminer 4.3.0-1 New upstream release.

Finally, I also made the following non-maintainer uploads (NMUs):

FTP Team

As a Debian FTP assistant I ACCEPTed 121 packages: 4pane, adql, android-platform-system-core, android-sdk-helper, braillegraph, deepnano, dh-runit, django-auth-ldap, django-dirtyfields, drf-extensions, gammaray, gcc-7, gnome-keysign, golang-code.gitea-sdk, golang-github-bluebreezecf-opentsdb-goclient, golang-github-bsm-redeo, golang-github-cupcake-rdb, golang-github-denisenkom-go-mssqldb, golang-github-exponent-io-jsonpath, golang-github-facebookgo-ensure, golang-github-facebookgo-freeport, golang-github-facebookgo-grace, golang-github-facebookgo-httpdown, golang-github-facebookgo-stack, golang-github-facebookgo-subset, golang-github-go-openapi-loads, golang-github-go-openapi-runtime, golang-github-go-openapi-strfmt, golang-github-go-openapi-validate, golang-github-golang-geo, golang-github-gorilla-pat, golang-github-gorilla-securecookie, golang-github-issue9-assert, golang-github-issue9-identicon, golang-github-jaytaylor-html2text, golang-github-joho-godotenv, golang-github-juju-errors, golang-github-kisielk-gotool, golang-github-kubernetes-gengo, golang-github-lpabon-godbc, golang-github-lunny-log, golang-github-makenowjust-heredoc, golang-github-mrjones-oauth, golang-github-nbutton23-zxcvbn-go, golang-github-neelance-sourcemap, golang-github-ngaut-deadline, golang-github-ngaut-go-zookeeper, golang-github-ngaut-log, golang-github-ngaut-pools, golang-github-ngaut-sync2, golang-github-optiopay-kafka, golang-github-quobyte-api, golang-github-renstrom-dedent, golang-github-sergi-go-diff, golang-github-siddontang-go, golang-github-smartystreets-go-aws-auth, golang-github-xanzy-go-cloudstack, golang-github-xtaci-kcp, golang-github-yohcop-openid-go, graywolf, haskell-raaz, hfst-ospell, hikaricp, iptraf-ng, kanboard-cli, kcptun, kreport, libbluray, libcatmandu-store-elasticsearch-perl, libcsfml, libnet-prometheus-perl, libosmocore, libpandoc-wrapper-perl, libseqlib, matrix-synapse, mockldap, nfs-ganesha, node-buffer, node-pako, nose-el, nvptx-tools, nx-libs, open-ath9k-htc-firmware, pagein, paleomix, pgsql-ogr-fdw, profanity, pyosmium, python-biotools, python-django-extra-views, python-django-otp, python-django-push-notifications, python-dnslib, python-gmpy, python-gmpy2, python-holidays, python-kanboard, python-line-profiler, python-pgpy, python-pweave, python-raven, python-xapian-haystack, python-xopen, r-cran-v8, repetier-host, ruby-jar-dependencies, ruby-maven-libs, ruby-psych, ruby-retriable, seafile-client, spyder-unittest, stressant, systray-mdstat, telegram-desktop, thawab, tigris, tnseq-transit, typesafe-config, vibe.d, x2goserver & xmlrpc-c. I additionally filed 14 RC bugs against packages that had incomplete debian/copyright files against: golang-github-cupcake-rdb, golang-github-sergi-go-diff, graywolf, hfst-ospell, libbluray, pgsql-ogr-fdw, python-gmpy, python-gmpy2, python-pgpy, python-xapian-haystack, repetier-host, telegram-desktop, tigris & xmlrpc-c.

28 March 2017

Sylvain Beucler: Practical basics of reproducible builds 2

Let's review what we learned so far: We stopped when compiling a PE .exe produced a varying output.
It turns out that PE carries a build date timestamp. The spec says that bound DLLs timestamps are refered to in the "Delay-Load Directory Table". Maybe that's also the date Windows displays when a system-wide DLL is about to be replaced, too.
Build timestamps looks unused in .exe files though. Anyway, Stephen Kitt pointed out (thanks!) that Debian's MinGW linker binutils-mingw-w64 has an upstream-pending patch that sets the timestamp to SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH if set. Alternatively, one can pass -Wl,--no-insert-timestamp to set it to 0 (though see caveats below):
$ i686-w64-mingw32.static-gcc -Wl,--no-insert-timestamp hello.c -o hello.exe 
$ md5sum hello.exe 
298f98d74e6e913628a8b74514eddcb2  hello.exe
$ /opt/mxe/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32.static-gcc -Wl,--no-insert-timestamp hello.c -o hello.exe 
$ md5sum hello.exe 
298f98d74e6e913628a8b74514eddcb2  hello.exe
If we don't care about debug symbols, unlike with ELF, stripped PE binaries look stable too!
$ cd repro/
$ i686-w64-mingw32.static-gcc hello.c -o hello.exe && i686-w64-mingw32.static-strip hello.exe
$ md5sum hello.exe 
6e07736bf8a59e5397c16e799699168d  hello.exe
$ i686-w64-mingw32.static-gcc hello.c -o hello.exe && i686-w64-mingw32.static-strip hello.exe
$ md5sum hello.exe 
6e07736bf8a59e5397c16e799699168d  hello.exe
$ cd ..
$ cp -a repro repro2/
$ cd repro2/
$ i686-w64-mingw32.static-gcc hello.c -o hello.exe && i686-w64-mingw32.static-strip hello.exe
$ md5sum hello.exe 
6e07736bf8a59e5397c16e799699168d  hello.exe
Now that we have the main executable covered, what about the dependencies?
Let's see how well MXE compiles SDL2:
$ cd /opt/mxe/
$ cp -a ./usr/i686-w64-mingw32.static/lib/libSDL2.a /tmp
$ rm -rf * && git checkout .
$ make sdl2
$ md5sum ./usr/i686-w64-mingw32.static/lib/libSDL2.a /tmp/libSDL2.a 
68909ab13181b1283bd1970a56d41482  ./usr/i686-w64-mingw32.static/lib/libSDL2.a
68909ab13181b1283bd1970a56d41482  /tmp/libSDL2.a
Neat - what about another build directory?
$ cd /usr/srx/mxe
$ make sdl2
$ md5sum usr/i686-w64-mingw32.static/lib/libSDL2.a /tmp/libSDL2.a 
c6c368323927e2ae7adab7ee2a7223e9  usr/i686-w64-mingw32.static/lib/libSDL2.a
68909ab13181b1283bd1970a56d41482  /tmp/libSDL2.a
$ ls -l ./usr/i686-w64-mingw32.static/lib/libSDL2.a /tmp/libSDL2.a 
-rw-r--r-- 1 me me 5861536 mars  23 21:04 /tmp/libSDL2.a
-rw-r--r-- 1 me me 5862488 mars  25 19:46 ./usr/i686-w64-mingw32.static/lib/libSDL2.a
Well that was expected.
But what about the filesystem order?
With such an automated build, could potential variations in the order of files go undetected?
Would the output be different on another filesystem format (ext4 vs. btrfs...)? It was a good opportunity to test the disorderfs fuse-based tool.
And while I'm at it, check if reprotest is easy enough to use (the manpage is scary).
Let's redo our basic tests with it - basic usage is actually very simple:
$ apt-get install reprotest disorderfs faketime
$ reprotest 'make hello' 'hello'
will vary: environment
will vary: fileordering
will vary: home
will vary: kernel
will vary: locales
will vary: exec_path
will vary: time
will vary: timezone
will vary: umask
--- /tmp/tmpk5uipdle/control_artifact/
+++ /tmp/tmpk5uipdle/experiment_artifact/
    --- /tmp/tmpk5uipdle/control_artifact/hello
  +++ /tmp/tmpk5uipdle/experiment_artifact/hello
    @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
       Size: 8632       Blocks: 24         IO Block: 4096   regular file
     Links: 1
    -Access: (0755/-rwxr-xr-x)  Uid: ( 1000/      me)   Gid: ( 1000/      me)
    +Access: (0775/-rwxrwxr-x)  Uid: ( 1000/      me)   Gid: ( 1000/      me)
     Modify: 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
      Birth: -
# => OK except for permissions
$ reprotest 'make hello && chmod 755 hello' 'hello'
Reproduction successful
No differences in hello
c8f63b73265e69ab3b9d44dcee0ef1d2815cdf71df3c59635a2770e21cf462ec  hello
$ reprotest 'make hello CFLAGS="-g -O2"' 'hello'
# => lots of differences, as expected
Now let's apply to the MXE build.
We keep the same build path, and also avoid using linux32 (because MXE would then recompile all the host compiler tools for 32-bit):
$ reprotest --dont-vary build_path,kernel 'touch src/ && make sdl2 && cp -a usr/i686-w64-mingw32.static/lib/libSDL2.a .' 'libSDL2.a'
Reproduction successful
No differences in libSDL2.a
d9a39785fbeee5a3ac278be489ac7bf3b99b5f1f7f3e27ebf3f8c60fe25086b5  libSDL2.a
That checks!
What about a full MXE environment?
$ reprotest --dont-vary build_path,kernel 'make clean && make sdl2 sdl2_gfx sdl2_image sdl2_mixer sdl2_ttf libzip gettext nsis' 'usr'
# => changes in installation dates
# => timestamps in .exe files (dbus, ...)
# => libicu doesn't look reproducible (derb.exe, genbrk.exe, genccode.exe...)
# => apparently ar timestamp variations in libaclui
Most libraries look reproducible enough.
ar differences may go away at FreeDink link time since I'm aiming at a static build. Let's try! First let's see how FreeDink behaves with stable dependencies.
We can compile with -Wl,--no-insert-timestamp and strip the binaries in a first step.
There are various issues (timestamps, permissions) but first let's check the executables themselves:
$ cd freedink/
$ reprotest --dont-vary build_path 'mkdir cross-woe-32/ && cd cross-woe-32/ && export PATH=/opt/mxe/usr/bin:$PATH && LDFLAGS='-Wl,--no-insert-timestamp' ../configure --host=i686-w64-mingw32.static --enable-static && make -j$(nproc) && make install-strip DESTDIR=$(pwd)/destdir' 'cross-woe-32/destdir/usr/local/bin'
# => executables are identical!
# Same again, just to make sure
$ reprotest --dont-vary build_path 'mkdir cross-woe-32/ && cd cross-woe-32/ && export PATH=/opt/mxe/usr/bin:$PATH && LDFLAGS='-Wl,--no-insert-timestamp' ../configure --host=i686-w64-mingw32.static --enable-static && make -j$(nproc) && make install-strip DESTDIR=$(pwd)/destdir' 'cross-woe-32/destdir/usr/local/bin'
    --- /tmp/tmp2yw0sn4_/control_artifact/bin/freedink.exe
  +++ /tmp/tmp2yw0sn4_/experiment_artifact/bin/freedink.exe
    @@ -2,20 +2,20 @@
     00000010: b800 0000 0000 0000 4000 0000 0000 0000  ........@.......
     00000020: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  ................
     00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 8000 0000  ................
     00000040: 0e1f ba0e 00b4 09cd 21b8 014c cd21 5468  ........!..L.!Th
     00000050: 6973 2070 726f 6772 616d 2063 616e 6e6f  is program canno
     00000060: 7420 6265 2072 756e 2069 6e20 444f 5320  t be run in DOS 
     00000070: 6d6f 6465 2e0d 0d0a 2400 0000 0000 0000  mode....$.......
    -00000080: 5045 0000 4c01 0a00 e534 0735 0000 0000  PE..L....4.5....
    +00000080: 5045 0000 4c01 0a00 0000 0000 0000 0000  PE..L...........
     00000090: 0000 0000 e000 0e03 0b01 0219 00f2 3400  ..............4.
     000000a0: 0022 4e00 0050 3b00 c014 0000 0010 0000  ."N..P;.........
     000000b0: 0010 3500 0000 4000 0010 0000 0002 0000  ..5...@.........
     000000c0: 0400 0000 0100 0000 0400 0000 0000 0000  ................
    -000000d0: 00e0 8900 0004 0000 7662 4e00 0200 0000  ........vbN.....
    +000000d0: 00e0 8900 0004 0000 89f8 4e00 0200 0000  ..........N.....
     000000e0: 0000 2000 0010 0000 0000 1000 0010 0000  .. .............
     000000f0: 0000 0000 1000 0000 00a0 8700 b552 0000  .............R..
     00000100: 0000 8800 d02d 0000 0050 8800 5006 0000  .....-...P..P...
     00000110: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  ................
     00000120: 0060 8800 4477 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000  . ..Dw..........
     00000130: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  ................
     00000140: 0440 8800 1800 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  .@..............
      @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
         Size: 5121536       Blocks: 10008      IO Block: 4096   regular file
       Links: 1
       Access: (0755/-rwxr-xr-x)  Uid: ( 1000/      me)   Gid: ( 1000/      me)
      -Modify: 2017-03-26 01:26:35.233841833 +0000
      +Modify: 2017-03-26 01:27:01.829592505 +0000
        Birth: -
AFAIU there is something random in the linking phase, and sometimes the timestamp is removed, sometimes it's not.
Not very easy to track but I believe I reproduced it with the "hello" example:
# With MXE:
$ reprotest 'i686-w64-mingw32.static-gcc hello.c -I /opt/mxe/usr/i686-w64-mingw32.static/include -I/opt/mxe/usr/i686-w64-mingw32.static/include/SDL2 -L/opt/mxe/usr/i686-w64-mingw32.static/lib -lmingw32 -Dmain=SDL_main -lSDL2main -lSDL2 -lSDL2main -Wl,--no-insert-timestamp -luser32 -lgdi32 -lwinmm -limm32 -lole32 -loleaut32 -lshell32 -lversion -o hello && chmod 700 hello' 'hello'
# => different
# => maybe because it imports the build timestamp from -lSDL2main
# With Debian's MinGW (but without SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH):
$ reprotest 'i686-w64-mingw32-gcc hello.c -I /opt/mxe/usr/i686-w64-mingw32.static/include -I/opt/mxe/usr/i686-w64-mingw32.static/include/SDL2 -L/opt/mxe/usr/i686-w64-mingw32.static/lib -lmingw32 -Dmain=SDL_main -lSDL2main -lSDL2 -lSDL2main -Wl,--no-insert-timestamp -luser32 -lgdi32 -lwinmm -limm32 -lole32 -loleaut32 -lshell32 -lversion -o hello && chmod 700 hello' 'hello'
Reproduction successful
No differences in hello
0b2d99dc51e2ad68ad040d90405ed953a006c6e58599beb304f0c2164c7b83a2  hello
# Let's remove -Dmain=SDL_main and let our main() have precedence over the one in -lSDL2main:
$ reprotest 'i686-w64-mingw32.static-gcc hello.c -I /opt/mxe/usr/i686-w64-mingw32.static/include -I/opt/mxe/usr/i686-w64-mingw32.static/include/SDL2 -L/opt/mxe/usr/i686-w64-mingw32.static/lib -lmingw32 -lSDL2main -lSDL2 -lSDL2main -Wl,--no-insert-timestamp -luser32 -lgdi32 -lwinmm -limm32 -lole32 -loleaut32 -lshell32 -lversion -o hello && chmod 700 hello' 'hello'
Reproduction successful
No differences in hello
6c05f75eec1904d58be222cc83055d078b4c3be8b7f185c7d3a08b9a83a2ef8d  hello
$ LANG=C i686-w64-mingw32.static-ld --version  # MXE
GNU ld (GNU Binutils) 2.25.1
Copyright (C) 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
$ LANG=C i686-w64-mingw32-ld --version  # Debian
GNU ld (GNU Binutils)
Copyright (C) 2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
It looks like there is a random behavior in binutils 2.25, coupled with SDL2's wrapping of my main(). So FreeDink is nearly reproducible, except for this build timestamp issue that pops up in all kind of situations. In the worse case I can zero it out, or patch MXE's binutils until they upgrade. More importantly, what if I recompile FreeDink and the dependencies twice?
$ (cd /opt/mxe/ && make clean && make sdl2 sdl2_gfx sdl2_image sdl2_mixer sdl2_ttf glm libzip gettext nsis)
$ (mkdir cross-woe-32/ && cd cross-woe-32/ \
  && export PATH=/opt/mxe/usr/bin:$PATH \
  && LDFLAGS="-Wl,--no-insert-timestamp" ../configure --host=i686-w64-mingw32.static --enable-static \
  && make V=1 -j$(nproc) \
  && make install-strip DESTDIR=$(pwd)/destdir)
$ mv cross-woe-32/ cross-woe-32-1/
# Same again...
$ mv cross-woe-32/ cross-woe-32-2/
$ diff -ru cross-woe-32-1/destdir/ cross-woe-32-2/destdir/
I could not reproduce the build timestamp issue in the stripped binaries, though it was still varying in the unstripped src/freedinkedit.exe.
I mentioned there was other changes noticed by diffoscope. That one is interesting.
Could be ignored, but we want to generate an identical binary package/archive too, right?
That's where archive meta-data matters.
make INSTALL="$(which install) install -p" could help for static files, but not generated ones.
The doc suggests clamping all files to SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH - i.e. all generated files will have their date set at that timestamp:
$ export SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH=$(date +%s) \
  && reprotest --dont-vary build_path \
  'make ... && find destdir/ -newermt "@$ SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH " -print0   xargs -0r touch --no-dereference --date="@$ SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH "' 'cross-woe-32/destdir/'
Caused by varying umask.
I attempted to mitigate the issue by playing with make install MKDIR_P="mkdir -p -m 755" (1).
However even mkdir -p -m ... does not set permissions for intermediate directories.
Maybe it's better to set and record the umask...
So, aside from minor issues such as BuildIDs and build timestamps, the toolchain is pretty stable as of now.
The issue is more about fixing and recording the build environment.
Which is probably the next challenge :)

